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Recruitment of participants STEP by STEP: How to make money with music streaming | Video Course | How to get music

STEP by STEP: How to make money with music streaming | Video Course | How to get music


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Music Streaming Masterclass

Every time music is played someone earns royalties. No matter if its The Beatles, The Red Hot Chili peppers or ... YOU!
If you have music online and it gets played, you earn. Easy as that! Not really, but thats the concept you gonna learn in the Music Streaming Masterclass.
Compared to other methods it is still fairly easy if you know how to do it and what you have to take care of.

Background Information
A few years ago it was possible to just run a bot on spotify and make some really good cash. That changed. When i entered the game 2 years ago it was already more complex.
I quickly got into this and my strategy proofed to be a good one. After 2 years and close to 400 artists online i only had 8 take downs so far. I wrote down every step of my
plan and put it into this video course.
I started small and scaled big pretty soon. Learn from my experience that makes me 25K a month (and growing) and avoid costly mistakes. I captured that journey in a thread here at bhw as well: 10K a month with music

Services/Products/Packages & Pricing
I offer a video course with more than 2 hours of videos, detailed how tos, pdf files for important chapters, spreadsheet for data quality, a private support group, an included video library
for upcoming changes and a streaming news section. Its lifetime access!

Course curriculum​

  1. Intro​

  2. What to prepare​

  3. Update 1: Mindset​

  4. Ways to do this​

  5. Setup​

  6. Security Options​

  7. Taxes​

  8. Bank & Paypal​

  9. How to get music​

  10. Data Quality & Management​

  11. Creating Artists​

  12. Listening Accounts​

  13. Device Setup & Management​

  14. Payout Management​

  15. How to scale​

  16. Library & News​

Q: Why are you selling the method?

A: Its a numbers game. Everyone will get caught at some point. The more we are, the better proteced every individual is. Your success does not impact mine and vice versa. There is plenty of money in the pot.
Spotify expects that 10% of the music worldwide just gets uploaded to be used for something like this.

Q: Do i need money to start?
A: Yes, depending on how fast and how big you want to start you need something between 100 - 500 $.

Q: How fast will i earn money?
A: Payouts are 2 months after a stream happened. So January streams will be paid at the end of March. Again depending on your time investment you can be making anything between 300-2K in that first payout.

Q: Is it illegal?

A: No! Its not even really against their terms of service since there is no artificial program used to create the streams.

Seller: Link
Price: 350$