Sacred Algo
Welcome to the SACRED ALGO Discord server. I'm Xavier and I'm a student of my mentors Algohackers. I've been trading since 2017 and I only started to be profitable last year after completing their Mentorship. I appreciate their work and their rules about not sharing their learning materials, so I decided to make my own course/mentorship for people who are interested in this style of trading. This style of trading is based on observing how the price behaves in different situations in the market and learning how the algorithm that controls the market works. It is not an exact copy of their strategy but modified and simplified by me. Some of the steps I did the same as my Mentors, for example the videos made in text form which gave me a little more work but you will be able to take notes and understand it better. I also tried not to make too much content, but rather less with quality content and important information. In time I will add additional videos according to your interest and if you need some explanation. If you have any questions, feel free to message me @sacredalgo.
- ACRED ALGO - ALGO TRADING MASTERY The Course:Course contains a video content where my strategy is explained in detail and the most important topics are discussed
- Valid Market Zones, Targets - (Liquidity Points, Imbalances, ...), Reading Markets…
price video material only $600
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