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Joint purchases club

Clubbingbuy.com — a platform for joint purchases of information products, where you can get access to the best courses, books and materials for minimal money!

Rules Rules of participation in joint purchases


Staff member

Rules of participation in joint purchases​

1. Only a participant with the “Organizer” status can make (organize) joint purchases.

2. Any forum participant has the right to participate in joint purchases, except for participants in the Blocked status.

2.1. Click the "Join a joint purchase" button and select the appropriate list - primary or backup.

2.2 Any correspondence containing personal data, e-mail, can be sent only in personal messages to the administrator! For violation will be fined.

3. Recruitment of participants in the main list occurs only at the stage when the thematic topic has the status of “Recruitment of Participants”.
In the open topic of joint procurement, in addition to the price of the infoprodukt, there is a preliminary cost based on the number of participants in the joint procurement in the main list or a fixed commission.

4. At the “Fundraising” stage, after the start of the collection of contributions, users who failed to participate in the main list in this joint purchase can register on the reserve list, if this is not prohibited by the Organizer.
Participants from the general list participate in general purchases, and the contribution to the reserve list increases by 30%. Their contributions are used by the organizer for possible shortcomings.

5. Compatible purchases at the “Distribution” stage:
Participants who cannot take part in the main list have the opportunity to register in the reserve list (when recording at this stage, you automatically get into the reserve list).
The amount of the joint purchase contribution in the reserve list increased by 30%.
Participants were required to participate in the main or reserve list of this joint purchase. The amount of payment for the additional list will correspond to the size of the list.
5.1 discussion of joint buying - All questions and problems can be solved only in the topic of purchase and nowhere else !!! For the violation will be denied assistance and further cooperation.

6. This should be recorded if you agree with the terms of participation, as well as with a full description of the joint purchase.

7. You can write out from the joint purchase:
prior to the beginning of the collection of deposits and only at the stage "Recruitment"
8. Each participant must independently monitor the current status of the joint purchase.

9. After the deadline for collecting contributions in the “Fundraising” phase, the organizers of this joint purchase are provided with all participants detailed information on the payment of contributions. Private correspondence with the details are also available to all participants in the joint purchase.

9.1. Each participant undertakes to make payment of its payment within 5 days from the date of receipt of the details, regardless of the duration of the joint purchase. The organizer indicates that this is a “Urgent Joint Purchase” and the payment term.

9.2. The commission must be exactly as specified in the details of the organizer.

10. The organizer within 1 day from the moment of receiving the payment notes that the participants pay their dues and after purchasing the infoprodukty gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with the personal correspondence “Delivery”.

11. After the organizer has provided the material in full for a joint purchase, payment for a joint purchase, the transition to the stage “Purchase” (at this stage you can get the material from the additional list) or “Completed”.

12. The participant from the main list personally agrees with the organizer about the postponement of payment or about payment after the deadline.

13. For participants who do not pay the fee in a timely manner (within 5 days of receipt of the requisites), the organizer issues a warning with the accrual of penalty points and automatically receives the status “Officer for fines”. The user can also participate in the main list of joint buyers. We draw your attention to the fact that "Penalty" pays 30% more than the fee, unlike the participant from the main list. To remove the status of "Penalty" and lists of penalty points, the user must promptly repay the debt in double for unpaid compatible purchases.

14. Refund of paid contributions to Participants is possible only if the joint purchase did not take place and the organizer did not pay the author, or the author returned the payment to the Organizer. In any other case, the refund of the paid contributions to the Participants is not made.

We also do not guarantee product updates. If we get it, that's good. But if the author refuses to give it to us, then there will be no updates.

15.In the event of a dispute, the participant in the joint purchase must contact the Administrator through personal correspondence with the complaint. 14 days are allowed for consideration and resolution of complaints.

16. It is strictly forbidden:

16.1. To place in the themes of joint purchases provocative messages in any, even the most veiled manifestations, aimed at misleading the participants of a joint purchase and especially expressing their opinion, not based on personal practical experience.

16.2. Discuss the process of acquiring and distributing an information product to participants in a joint purchase and provoke the organizers to such questions.

16.3. In any case, to provoke and even more so to disturb the conduct of already open joint purchases. Post material about this joint purchase or share links to it in the “Gathering”, “Distribution”, “Completed” or “Buying” stages.

16.4. Different details for the payment of contributions to the organizers of this joint purchase in any form outside the private conference "Payment".

Dear participants!!!
Please pay attention to this!!!
Main list - you can only subscribe to it if you are ready to pay this cost within 5 days
after the announcement of the fundraiser! If you have subscribed to
the main list has not been paid within 5 days after which you will fined twice the amount of fundraising.
And until you pay this amount you will not be able to participate in the promotion
other joint purchases!!!

Reserve list: - you can subscribe to it and make a payment later, when you need it. There are no penalties here sanctions'. But you will pay 30-50% more than in the main list!

Please pay attention to this!
Violators will be punished!
No compromise!