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Clubbingbuy.com — a platform for joint purchases of information products, where you can get access to the best courses, books and materials for minimal money!

Rules Forum Charter


Staff member

Forum Charter​

1. General rule:
1.1. Forum "Clubbingbuy.com" organized in the form of a non-profit educational community, is located on the Internet, is not a legal entity, does not operate in any country and operates on the basis of this Charter.
1.2. English is the preferred language of communication within the forum.
1.3. The use of slang and obscene expressions is permissible only if they are appropriate. The administration would not immediately punish such a form of discussion, but it should not be abused.
1.4. On our forum all are equal, so regardless of social status, age or gender should turn to each other on "you."
1.5. Before asking any question about the work of our forum "Clubbingbuy.com", carefully read the current rules, section "Questions and suggestions" and only if you do not find the answer there, create the appropriate topic in this section or publish your message in the existing topic no.
1.6. Directly with the contact should be made only on matters not within the competence of the moderators, or in the case of disputes and situations.
1.7. If you have constructive suggestions for improving the work of the forum, leave them in the theme of the Book of complaints and suggestions for improving the forum, where they will be reviewed by the Administration.
1.8. With the development of the forum, some points of the existing rules can be wholly or partially amended or supplemented. The administration undertakes to notify users of the fact of the change by creating a topic in the "news and announcements" or through personal mailing.
1.9. All accepted changes to the rules come into force immediately after their publication in the news section.
1.10. One violation of any paragraph of this Statute will result in a warning. However, in case of repeated violation or gross violation of the rules, the user will be denied access to his account.

2. Forum Clubbingbuy.com puts before itself the following tasks:
2.1. Joint purchase of information and training materials on the subject of Forex, Binary options, Stock markets, Sports, Cryptocurrency, for preliminary acquaintance.
2.2. Discussion of author's educational materials and preparation of objective feedback on them.
2.3. Gain invaluable experience from all users of our community in their areas of interest.
2.4. Improving the professional level and personal competence of the forum participants.

3. Strictly forbidden:
3.1. Use as a login names, the spelling of which does not comply with the following rules: login can contain only Latin characters. You can not web pages include addresses, email addresses.
3.2. Register more than one account, and use various software utilities (anonymizers) to hide your presence.
3.3. Use account aliases and avatars that are very similar to other members ' existing options.
3.4. Write only uppercase or a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
3.5. Placement of provocative messages, as well as any actions that can cause conflicts of various kinds.
3.6. Use the forum site or correspondence to clarify personal relationships.
3.7. Distribute pornographic content.
3.8. In order to spread spam to flood the forum to use when discussing the elements of trolling. These actions are punishable by ban user account.
3.9. Use phrases consisting of a single word or just a smile as a replica.
3.10. Post messages that don't make sense.
3.11. Distribute promotional messages without prior approval of the Administration.
3.12. Without the consent of the Administration to provide advertising information can be anywhere in the profile, signature or avatar image.
3,13. Place links to third-party resources anywhere in your profile.
3.14. Publish on foreign Internet resources information taken from sections of the site, open only to its participants, or place URL links to similar topics.
3.15. Mislead users with false information, edit your messages to distort their original meaning.
3,16. Publish your contact details or ask other users to do so in any cases not covered by the rules.
3.17. Distribute information products purchased in a joint-stock company or materials taken from closed sections. Also provoke other participants.
3.18. Unauthorized Sharing of content (folding, etc.) With other users or inciting them to do so.
3,19. Place URL links to torrent trackers and sites that distribute warez software.
3.20. For Administration, trolling, obscene statements, disputes and any other actions discrediting the name of the forum team and the forum in General. For this act the user is blocked indefinitely !!!
3.21. Advertising third-party resources, groups, social. networks, messengers. Invite to various chats and private correspondence to distribute goods purchased at the club.

4. The procedure for creating themes and messages:
4.1. Any user can create new topics and posts in all forum sections to which they have access. The message or topic must match the shared theme of the resource without duplicating previously created topics.
4.2. It is advisable to verify the accuracy of selecting the partition to the newly created topic based on its subject matter.
4.3. Before you publish a topic, we recommend that you use the search feature to make sure that the topic has not been discussed before.
4.4. In case of erroneous selection of the section for the created topic, you should contact the moderator, who will transfer it to a more appropriate section after studying the question.
4.5. Do not raise several different questions in the same topic. Try to limit yourself to one question on the topic.
4.6. Carefully check the name of the created order for grammatical or punctuation errors.
4.7. The title of the new topic should be chosen in such a way that it is as clear and meaningful as possible. Topics with vague wording in the title will be removed.
4.8. It is not desirable to abuse the function of quoting interlocutors.
4.9. It has made a big request not to distribute within this site flooding, not to meaningless conversations, chat only on topics of interest from the point of view of specialization of the forum.
4.10. Remember that all responsibility for what is said and done on your behalf rests solely with you.
4.11. Users are allowed to download only those materials, the authors of which are themselves.

5. Administration and moderation
5.1. Representatives of the administration of the forum and appointed moderators have the right to make changes to user messages and topics delete and share them with the forum rules.
5.2. Any account can be blocked or completely deleted by the administration without explanation.
5.3. Any content and materials uploaded by the user through the forum can be requested and studied by representatives of the administration and administration in particular.
5.4. In case of conflict between the individual items of the Forum rules, identify double meaning, the right to their interpretation remains with the administrators and moderators.
5.5. Resolution of internal disputes and disagreements between individual users is their personal matter and is not within the competence of representatives of the administration.
5.6. Prohibited public discussion of actions of moderators and forum administration.
5.7. The fact of exceeding the moderator's authority may be considered only by a representative of the administration after sending him a personal message describing the violation.
5.8. The decisions of the Administration are not subject to review and are final.